Gather perspective, craft a strategy & live your life on purpose

with certified lifeplan™ facilitator brooke warnock

She’s here to provide quality direction for you as you navigate your life’s calling and purpose.


The LifePlan™ Process by Paterson Center

What is a life plan? Want to live your life more on purpose? Do you have a desire to make more confident decisions about your resources and gifts? Every one of us, at one time or another, asks deep, foundational questions about identity, vocation, and purpose: Who am I? What am I called to do? What are the next right steps to get there? Your LifePlan Process will be customized to answer those specific questions in your specific story. We work out together in a nurturing way how to take the next best action steps toward your purpose and goals.

“Imagine standing on the top of a mountain and looking down on the landscape below. It’s taken time to get there, but now we can see clearly in all directions. With that kind of perspective, we can plot a course with precision and accuracy, and have the confidence to know that our plan will yield the kind of results we need.”